SmartGames Smart Farmer Puzzle Game


Smart Farmer is an engaging puzzle game for children…and their parents and teachers! Can you help the Farmer separate the animals so they have their own areas on the farm? Play Smart Farmer by arranging the puzzle pieces (fences) on the gameboard so that each animal type has a closed off space. Then, in later challenges, each space must also include a water trough!

Even though this puzzle was designed to be a single-player game, you can turn it into a family affair and take turns. Kids love these brain games because they’re fun, yet the challenges help them utilize key cognitive skills. And seeing who can solve challenges the fastest results in some interesting game nights! All of our games have a unique and innovative game mechanic with themes that appeal to both boys and girls.

For ages 4 years and above

































































































Intended for ages 6-36 months.


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